I’m an Atheist

Most people who claim to be atheists aren’t actually atheists. Most of them have a downer on God, and feel as though they deserve more than they’ve got or that God owes them something. Is that you? Honestly? You can’t be an atheist and hate God. We’ve never met a real atheist.

The extent of the atheist’s claims is that he doesn’t know that there’s a God, because there is no proof to suggest that he doesn’t exist. A person can believe that there isn’t a God, but he can’t prove that there isn’t.

To the layman, it might seem that evolution is as difficult to believe in as biblical Christianity; however if we look closer at the claims of Christianity, we can see that it actually makes more sense to plump for Christianity. For example, a quarter of the Bible is predictive prophecy which means history written in advance. Much of that has now been fulfilled literally (the bits that haven’t are to do with the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and therefore due soon). Because biblical prophecy is detailed and specific and because it gets fulfilled literally (and there are many cases of this) it makes most sense to believe that God is who he says he is rather than that the laws of probability are at work (because that would involve astronomical numbers due to the hundreds of prophecies that have been literally fulfilled). Occam’s razor is a theory that claims that the simplest solution to a problem is generally the correct one – and it definitely isn’t simple to suggest that all these prophecies have been fulfilled by the god of probability. Have a look at Josh MacDowell’s book ‘Evidence that Demands a Verdict’ which details many of these prophecies and their fulfillments with sources and evidence.

There’s no reason to absolutely plump for the ‘no-God’ universe. It doesn’t make you any better off in life, or after death. However, sticking with Jesus Christ stands to get you the greatest gain ever – and what is there to lose? At least find out for yourself.